Popularly known as "El pueblo de los Brujos"
Diriomo is a peasant village settled near the base of the Mombacho volcano.
Diriomo, who in nahualt means "foreigner", before the arrival of the Spaniards was inhabited by a Chorotega tribe.
Belongs to the department of Granada because during the colonial era was entrusted by Pedro Jimenez neighbor of the city of Granada.
Although it is a small town, its fame is spreading over the years by the presence of several witches and healers among the inhabitants.
The Jewel of the place is the famous parish temple built with pure stones moved by the natives in the time of the colonization
And inside you can admire religious relics and spectacular frescoes on its walls.
The municipality is mainly engaged in agriculture
This is due to the great fertility of the soils and to this it can be added that the lands are perfectly distributed for the agricultural production.
Diriomo's festivities
They are celebrated in honor of the virgin of the Candlemas and are given in the surroundings of the 2 of February.
These festivities change the tranquility of the urban center and the 25 rural communities
In which you can enjoy the pleasant and very colorful activities that are celebrated in said parties.
It is possible to see a lot of typical dances like "the diablitos" and "the dance of the inditas"
From Managua take the road to Masaya crossing Masaya until the Roundabout of Las Flores, where you must turn right.
You will pass through the city of Catarina and San Juan de Oriente; You will find your right the entrance to the municipality
By bus from Managua at the Roberto Huembes Market station take a bus to Rivas where you will tell the driver to get off at the Diriomo stop.