San Lucas

San Lucas

location of San Lucas

San Lucas is a small municipality in the north of the country, in the department of Madriz, 227 kilometers from the capital Managua and almost 8.5 kilometers from the headwaters, Somoto.

Origin of the first settlers

The first settlers of this area were the chorotegas from the area of Matagalpa, the presence of archaeological remains in the area is important and the permanence of indigenous traditions is latent in the municipality. There are several points where you can admire these historical remains, the petroglyphs of the Cueva del Matasano, Mal Pasito and El Bosque and the guinea fowl in Loma Panda.

San Lucas

In the community of Rio Arriba, in the area known as Loma Panda we can visit the petroglyph of the Forest, just 500 meters from the craft workshop. Nearby there is the natural viewpoint known by the same name of Loma Panda where you could continue to discover more precolumbian prints and paintings on the rocks.

Artisanal pottery production

You can not miss the production of pottery crafts in the Loma Panda workshop. A tradition that has passed from generation to generation.

In 2012 the women artisans of the "Loma Panda" workshop won the first place of the 6th national handicraft competition held in the city of Masatepe, with the presentation of 3 black pieces called "mobile dolls".

San Lucas

The patron saint festivities

The patron saint festivities of San Lucas are celebrated every year on October 18 in honor of the saint who bears the same name of the municipality.


If you travel by own vehicle once you arrive in Somoto leave the American pana road to cross the whole municipality on the main avenue. It arrives at the exit direction San Lucas, Las Sabanas and San José de Cusmapa, on paved road. The journey from Somoto is about 10 minutes.

From the bus terminal of Somoto buses regularly depart for that municipality.