Nicaragua is the largest country in Central America, and the fourth most populous country in the region, its current population is 6.15 million inhabitants, exceeding Costa Rica (4,857 million inhabitants) and Panama (4,034 million inhabitants).
The population of men and women in the country is 3,118,163 women, representing 50.7 per cent of the total, compared with 3,031,765 men, representing 49.3 per cent.
The average annual population growth is 1.22%.
According to the ECLAC statistical yearbook, by 2050 Nicaraguans will be living longer, as their average life expectancy will be 79.1 years for both sexes; current life expectancy at birth in Nicaragua is 72.7 years.
Women, who in 2014 had a life expectancy of 75.8 years, in 2050 it will be 82.3 years and in the case of men, who are now born with a hope of living 69.7 years, in 2050 they will aspire to live an average of 75.9 years, according to the international organization.
Rural population.
In Nicaragua, 45% of the population lives in rural areas. The vast majority of these places are home to its tourist attractions and diverse natural beauty.
The vast majority of the country's rural population is dedicated to agricultural activities, visiting rural areas is a good tourist option because the costs in these places are low and sometimes non-existent. The inhabitants will give you a warm welcome and are places far away from the noise of the cities so the tranquility is guaranteed.
Urban population.
The majority of the Nicaraguan population is in urban areas, 55% of the country's population lives in these areas.
The most important cities in the Pacific region are Managua, León, Granada, Chinandega and Masaya.
In the northern region of the country, the most populous cities are: Estelí, Matagalpa and Jinotega.
Indigenous population.
The population of Nicaragua is slightly varied, being mostly of mixed ethnicity, occupying 80% of the total percentage of the population. The white population occupies 15% and, to a lesser extent, the black and indigenous population with 5% of the total population.
The indigenous population is mainly concentrated in the Caribbean region of the country where they are located: Miskitos, Ulwas, Sumo-Mayangnas, Ramas, Garifunas, Creoles and Mestizos.
Miskitu and chorotega-nahua-mange are the most numerous denominations and together with them are cacaopera-matagalpa, nahoa-nicarao, bran, sumu-mayangna, ulwa and xiu-sutiava.
Economically active population (EAP).
ASP represents 50% of the total population. Analysing by sex, it is observed that of every 100 people in the economically active population, approximately 62 are men and 38 are women.
The country's economically active population currently stands at 2.9 million and it is estimated that by 2020 this figure will increase to 3.2 million people.
Until last year in Nicaragua, 38% of the employed were dedicated to agricultural activity, 15% to industrial activity and 47% to economic activity in services.