The Pearl Lagoon - Nicaragua

The Pearl Lagoon or Laguna de Perlas -in spanish- is one of the most wonderful places in terms of natural diversity in the entire American continent. To summarize it in a single sentence: "it is pure nature".

Location of Laguna de Perlas 

Located south of Bluefields, it is an extensive lagoon with an area of about 880 square kilometers. In it is a huge natural reserve where there are sightings of birds of many different species, a precious place for any nature photographer.

Especially in the mangroves and beaches of the area. The most important population, which bears the same name of Laguna de Perlas is to the south of it and is, without a doubt, the heart of the area. Since 90% of the commerce of the whole lagoon is given and it is the administrative capital of the lagoon.

Pearl Lagoon Laguna de Perlas

Recomendations to visit Pearl Lagoon / Laguna de Perlas

If you are looking to visit the lagoon and spend several days in it, we recommend that you use the capital as a starting point and then move from there to the areas to visit. It is easy to find boat and boat services to guide you through the lagoon.

Pearl Lagoon Laguna de Perlas

Tourism in Pear Lagoon Or Laguna de Perlas:

There is a lot of Wildlife in Laguna de Perlas. 

In addition to local guides that help you to see the diverse fauna and flora of the area. In the Pearl Lagoon is the wonderful Wawashang Nature Reserve, created by the mayor a few years ago and where you can enjoy with total tranquility the nature of the area. Access to it is easy from the village of Laguna de Perlas.

Gastronomy in Pearl Lagoon:

As in the rest of the Atlantic coast, gastronomy is one of the great tourist attractions, since it is exquisite and very special. So we recommend that you stop or try any of the different fish dishes in the area. If you are a lover of fishing, in Laguna de Perlas you will find your paradise on earth. It is easy to practice sports in the fertile waters of the lagoon.

The Pearl Keys:

The Pearl Keys: 18 small islands form another of the beautiful places to visit in the area. The islands are full of coconut trees and tropical vegetation, with pristine white beaches and crystal clear waters of dreamy colors. Perfect place to rest, swim, snorkel, fish or simply stroll. Located 35 km from the town of Laguna de Perlas, you can reach them by renting a guided boat in the city. Spending a full day in the Keys is an incredible experience that will take away any kind of accumulated stress you have.


Wear spare clothes, getting wet is a constant in La Laguna de Perlas. If you have items that can not get wet, wear backpack protectors. Wear sunscreens, the sun in the Caribbean burns a lot. If you have problems with mosquitoes, carry leftover repellent.

Pearl Lagoon Laguna de Perlas

Telephone numbers of interest :

  • Town Hall: 25720179
  • Police: 2572-0170