Terrabona Nicaragua

Terrabona is located in the southwest of the department of Matagalpa, 116 kilometers from the capital Managua and 62 kilometers from the departmental headwaters of Matagalpa.

Its origin was in the sugar cane farm and cattle with the name "San Juan de Cocolistagua" owned by the Rivas family, who obtained the royal title in 1715.

The highlights of this municipality are its patron saint festivities, celebrated in honour of San José, which extend from the beginning of March to the day that San José is celebrated on 19 March.

First of all, the "priostes" are chosen by several people who fulfill promises.

Terrabona Patron Saint Festivities

On the 1st of March there is a Eucharist followed by a pilgrimage, to end with the distribution of food by the priostes.

On the 10th, the Demanda de San José (St. Joseph's Demand) takes the image of the saint to all the houses and ends with the distribution of food by the priostes.

On the 16th, the Paseo de la vacas y chanchos takes place along the streets of the municipality following the son de los chicheros.

On the 17th the so-called "Moliendas" are made, where the priostes outside their houses set fireplaces to make tortillas and old Indian.

On the 18th there is a procession to the place of Matapalo, where the saint appeared according to tradition. Finally, on the 19th the festivities conclude with a solemn Eucharist.

How to get to Terrabona:

If you travel in your own vehicle to Terrabona you must take the junction duly signposted from the Panamerican highway over the height of Ciudad Dario or in Laguna de Moyúa.

If you travel by public transport you must take a bus from the city of Matagalpa.

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